The 2017-18 Duke of Edinburgh 2715 RCACC Group

About The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a self-development program available to all young people between the ages of 14-25. The award encourages youth to be active, to participate in new activities, and to pursue current interests in four different ways: Community Service, Skills Development, Physical Fitness, and Expeditions and Exploration. Gold Award participants must also complete a Residential Project consisting of voluntary service. To date, the award program has motivated over 500,000 young people from Canada, and over seven million youth in 130 countries worldwide, to undertake a variety.

2715 RCACC Group Award Recipients ~ MWO Jacob Fader (Silver), MWO Austin Hawthorne (Silver), WO Nolan MacLachlan (Silver), LCol Morris Brause (Advisor), Sgt Theodore Grant (Bronze) and WO Collin Valliere (Bronze)

2715 Metropolitan RCACC (Essex and Kent Scottish) – Tecumseh, Ontario

In the Fall of 2015, the 2715 RCACC officially registered in the Duke of Edinburgh Program as a Group called 2715 RCACC and joined this dynamic youth program. We started with nine cadets and have achieved the following results: three silver level qualified cadets – MWO Jacob Fader, MWO Austin Hawthorne, and WO Nolan MacLachlan; and three bronze level qualified cadets – WO Daniel Kelly, WO Collin Valliere and Sgt Theodore Grant. These fine cadets were presented with their certificates at the 2715 RCACC Annual Inspection in June 2017.

LCol Brause presenting CWO (Ret’d) Bill Borshuk with his Gold Level Pin.
Congratulations Bill!

2715 RCACC Duke of Edinburgh Program Continues

Our Cadets continue to be dynamic participants of this outstanding youth program. We currently have 16 cadets involved in the program working on the following levels: three Gold Level; eight Silver Level; and five bronze. Our Gold level cadets have already achieved their qualifying journeys and their residential portions of the program. They should be completed their program in the next few months. Our Silver and Bronze level participants should be ready to submit their programs for approval sometime in the next six months.

Citizenship, leadership, community volunteering, learning new skills and continuing to work on their fitness programs only enhances these young leaders in their future endeavours in life. We are so proud of them, and so proud to be supporting and participating in this great youth program.

Submitted by: LCol Morris Brause, 2715 RCACC Duke of Edinburgh Program Advisor
(photo submissions by Dave Pickford)