The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 594 welcomes new members.
Current Dues at Branch $50 retired or $55 working.
Dues will be changing as of January 1, 2025. Retired $55 or $60 working.
The Royal Canadian Legion in Ontario is comprised of over 400 branches with a total membership of over 100,000 making the Legion the largest service oriented organization in Ontario.
Although our main focus continues to be remembering those who gave their lives for freedom, and looking after the needs of Veterans, their dependants, and those still serving in the Canadian Forces; Legions throughout Ontario Command are also contributing to the well being of our neighbours by sponsoring community programs. Support for the communities we live in is one of our main beliefs.
Did you know that the vast majority of Canadian adults can become members of the Legion?
Today, there is no requirement to have a family link to a Veteran in order to become a member of the Royal Canadian Legion. Voting membership in the Legion is now open to any Canadian citizen of Federal voting age who supports the purposes and objects of the Royal Canadian Legion. Non-voting membership is also available to any non-Canadian citizen who is 18 years of age or older.
There are four main categories of membership:
Ordinary membership
Includes still serving and retired military, reservists, RCMP, police officers, Canadian Coast Guard, and others listed in the General By-Laws.
Associate membership
Includes parents, spouses, widows, widowers, children, grandchildren, siblings, nieces as well as nephews of a person who is or was eligible for Ordinary membership.
Affiliate voting membership
Includes Canadian citizens or Commonwealth subjects from an Allied nation who support The Royal Canadian Legion’s aims and objectives and are not eligible for ordinary or associate membership.
Affiliate non-voting membership
Includes non-Canadian citizens or non-Commonwealth subjects from an Allied nation who support The Royal Canadian Legion’s aims and objectives.
2020 Membership dues are only $55.00 per year still working, $50.00 for retirees.
Download and once the application is completed attend the Legion at 5030 Howard and submit in the lounge area along with your payment.
If you have any questions regarding Legion Membership, please e-mail Brian Robinson, Membership Chair
History of the Royal Canadian Legion

The Royal Canadian Legion is unique in that it is a Canada wide non-profit Veteran’s organization founded by Veterans for Veterans. Legion Branches are member oriented with a membership who believe in and promote the perpetuation of “Remembrance” and the welfare of our Veterans.
In 1926, the “Legion” in Canada was born out of a group of 15 Veterans organizations formed after WW1 to promote the welfare of its Veterans. The largest of this group was the “Great War Veterans Association” and the oldest was the “Army and Navy Veterans Association”.
Thirteen of these organizations, including the “Great War Veterans Association” joined together to form the “Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League”. In 1961, the “Act to Incorporate” was amended to change the name of the Canadian Legion to “The Royal Canadian Legion”. The word “Royal” was conferred by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in recognition of the Legion’s 35 years of dedicated service.
Initially, the Legion was an organization composed entirely of Veterans. These members were ex-service men and women who came from all walks of life possessing the leadership skills and training learned as sailors, soldiers and airmen. As “Comrades-in-Arms” who shared a common background, they were part of a brotherhood who worked together over the years to improve pension benefits and living conditions for our Veterans and their families.
At present, there are 403 Legion Branches in Ontario, 988 Branches in the rest of Canada, 14 Branches in the USA, 5 Branches in Europe and 1 Branch in Mexico, for a grand total of 1411 Branches. In 2017 Legion Membership stands strong at nearly 300,000.
Today, there is no requirement to have a family link to a Veteran in order to become a member of the Royal Canadian Legion. Voting membership in the Legion is now open to any Canadian citizen of Federal voting age who supports the purposes and objects of the Royal Canadian Legion. Non-voting membership is also available to any non-Canadian citizen who is of Federal voting age.