Those we have lost at Branch 594
Teddy Seagull
Teddy Seagull passed away February 13 in Cambridge Ontario. He was a Legion member for 20 years and a member of Branch 594 Teddy Seagull Obit
Those we have lost at Branch 594
Teddy Seagull passed away February 13 in Cambridge Ontario. He was a Legion member for 20 years and a member of Branch 594 Teddy Seagull Obit
Ian Henderson passed away July 21, 2022. We just learned about this recently. A Branch Member and Legion Member for 40 years. View his obituary Here Ian Henderson Obit
Grant Clarke November 4, 1941 - August 6, 2022. Grant Clarke passed away August 6, 2022 at the age of 80 years old. He was a member of Branch 594 and a Legion member for 45 years. View obituary by clicking the link below. Grant-Clarke Obit
Albert passed away September 3, 2022 at the Age of 66. He was a member of our Branch for 13 year. View his obituary Click Here
Herm Pansier 81 years old Died July 9, 2022 Herm was a member of the Legion for 29 years and a member for 7 years at our Branch View the Obituary Herm Pansier
Evelyn Bernyk passed away August 9, 2022 She was 96 years old was and Associate Member for 18 years. She was a devoted member who for several years sold Poppies during the Poppy Campaign each fall. For complete obit visit: Windsor Star August 12
Ed passed away May 16, 2022 at the age of 78. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for 50 years. For details visit Windsor Chapel
Dennis passed away May 3, 2022 at 88 years old. He recently transferred to Branch 594. Visit Simple Choice Cremation website for details
Gilles Dubois Gilles passed away April 14, 2022. He was a member of Branch 594 for 15 years. He was a regular visitor to the Branch walking to and from the Branch each time. Visit Families First for details
Clarice Friesen December 3, 1930 - April 5, 2022 Clarice was a member of Branch 594 for 20 years. Mother of Tom Friesen, President of Branch 594. Dan (Nancy), Tom (Veronica), Fran (Mike McMullin), Larry (Susan McBride Friesen), Steve (Lisa), and Ken. Arrangements: Families First Douigall Ave