Legion Sports
Legion Sports
- Coordinate official Legion Sports that has the Branch compete at Zone, District, Provincial and National levels.
- Attend at the District meetings every year, Spring and Fall is required.
- Attendance at Provincial meeting held on the 4th Saturday in September is optional.
- District meetings are to discuss upcoming schedule and open discussion regarding sports related issues.
- Attendance at Zone meetings is required.
- Zone schedules are developed with Hosts being determined by winners the prior year in most cases.
- Once schedule is completed it is posted at the Branch with Tournament Details & Registration sheets as soon as they are available.
- Registration sheets, once complete, are to be verified and signed by Branch Membership Chair & Branch President. A cheque is to be submitted to “Zone A1 Sports” in the amount required based on number of entrants and prices shown on the Zone.
- Note that registration and entry fees are submitted to our Zone Sports Officer for all levels of play.
- The Zone Sports Officer submits all registrations and a cheque to cover entry fees to The District Sports Officer.
- At Provincial level the Registration and Fees go from Zone to District to Provincial.
- For Dominion the same process is followed with the Provincial Sports Officer submitting registration and fees to Dominion.
All the passing of information takes time (be sure to make the deadlines) and appears to be redundant but this way each Zone, District & Province know who will be their representative.
Branch Sports
- Act as the contact for all Branch sports (pool, darts, cards, etc.) which are held independently.
- Obtain main contact information for each league and liaise with the contact to hear issues and resolve them, (this may require approval of the Branch Executive and possibly the Membership as well).
- Report sports related information monthly at Executive and Membership Meetings and to the Newsletter Editor.
- Reporting of sporting events to Webmaster as soon as possible, (don’t wait until month end).